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Uí Bairrche 

Uí Bairrche was an Irish kin-based group that originally held lands in the south of the ancient province of Leinster (or Cóiced Laigen "the Fifth of the Laigin"). Another south Leinster kin group associated with the Uí Bairrche were groups of the Fothairt. The south of Leinster was dominated by the Uí Chennselaig in the 8th century. Uí Bairrche held lands around Carlow, however Uí Chennselaig expansion split the kindred. The result was that one Uí Bairrche branch persevered in the Barrow valley; and another was forced to move south towards the Wexford coast

The MacGormains were leaders of the Ui Bairrche.

It is the intention of Clann Gormain to re-form the Ui Bairrche as an umbrella Clann that'll act as a rallying point for the MacGormains globally. The MacGormains are spread across the entire globe, our aim is to encourage and promote the re-formation of MacGormain septs in different countries headed by a chief. Then a Council of Chiefs will be formed and a Chief of the Ui Bairrche will be chosen to head the family name. 

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